Become a member of the network


Subscribers are not active members of Orange Gecko, they get notifications of what is happening within the network while get notifications of offical events and receiving our monthly newsletter.

Cost: Completely Free!


Support the development of the arts in George Town and the Tamar Valley and George Town municipalities, but do not want monthly newsletter or to participate in events. Associates get access to the Orange Gecko Facebook page and the ability to vote in the organisation’s AGM.

Cost: $10 per year

Full Member

Full membership to the Orange Gecko network provides many benefits. Access to the members only Facebook group, AGM voting rights, inclusion in the members directory, invites to participate in exhibitions and events as well as Orange Gecko exclusive discounts.

Cost: $25 per year; $40 for Family (2 x Full Members)

Full Membership
  • Access to members-only Facebook page
  • Voting rights at the AGM
  • The monthly Gecko newsletter (facebook)
  • The opportunity to attend monthly meetings
  • Inclusion in our members directory
  • Discounts on workshops
  • Invitations to participate in events
  • Opportunities to participate in exhibitions, performances and/or other creative activities

Full Member: $25 p.a per member

Family Membership: 2 x Full Member $40 p.a

Payment by credit card (fees apply) or Direct Bank transfer

No card Fee Option – pay by Direct Bank Transfer: Orange Gecko Art Network Inc BSB 067-023 A/C 1008 3768 Ref: Your Name

Associate Membership

Associate membership is for those who have an interest in supporting the development of the arts in the Tamar Valley and George Town municipalities but do not wish to receive monthly newsletters, attend monthly meetings or participate in events. You’ll have access to the members-only Facebook page and can vote at the AGM.

Associate Member: $10 p.a per member

Payment by credit card (fees apply) or Direct Bank transfers

No card Fee Option – pay by Direct Bank Transfer: Orange Gecko Art Network Inc BSB 067-023 A/C 1008 3768 Ref: Your Name


If you don’t wish to be apart of the of the Orange Gecko Network, but still would like to across the latest happenings and events that are being run, subscribe to our monthly newsletter totally free of charge.

Full Member: FREE!


What is usually covered in our monthly newsletter?

Our newsletter is presented as a facebook page and we update it during the month on what’s been happening with Orange Gecko and general items of interest from the arts community.  Click on the link below and follow us to receive our facebook page Gecko Newsletter.


What type of events does Orange Gecko run?

We run and manage indoor and outdoor markets at community events. Undertake community arts projects in the George Town region to bring excitement and colour into the community to help stimulate and foster the strong artistic outcomes that stem from a close and aspirational art community. Provide arts and professional development workshops to members and the general community. We provide access to a range of services such as information, networking, training and professional development and advocacy.


Where can I find the Orange Gecko Member Directory?

This is provided to all Gecko members at the time of joining and updated each year with membership renewal.

Contact Orange Gecko